The rise of Nationalism in Europe MCQ
“Explore the causes and effects of nationalism in 19th-century Europe through a series of multiple-choice questions. Learn about key events, figures, and movements that shaped the rise of national identities and the unification of nations like Italy and Germany.”
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Nationalism in Europe MCQ
Which of the following statement is correct regarding the statue of Liberty?
- Artists of the time of the French Revolution personified Liberty as a female figure
- The torch of Enlightenment she bears in one hand
- The Charter of the Rights of Man
- All of the above
Who among the following prepared a series of four prints visualising his dream of a world made up of ‘democratic and social Republics’?
- Frédéric Sorrieu
- Ernst Renan
- Andreas Rebmann
- Karl Kaspar Fritz
Which of the statement is true?
- Utopian – A vision of a society that is so ideal that it is unlikely to actually exist.
- Plebiscite – A direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.
- Suffrage – The right to vote
- All of the above
What is a Nation? A nation-state was one in which the majority of its citizens, and not only its rulers, came to develop a sense of common identity and shared history or descent.
- Is the statement is true of false.
Who among the following published the essay at the University of Sorbonne in 1882 ‘What is a Nation?’
- Ernst Renan (French)
- Andreas Rebmann (French)
- Karl Kaspar Fritz (German)
- Frédéric Sorrieu (German)
The first clear expression of nationalism came with the French Revolution in …………..
- 1786
- 1787
- 1788
- 1789
The political and constitutional changes that came in the wake of the French Revolution (1789
) led to the transfer of sovereignty from the monarchy to a body of………………………
- Autocratic government
- French citizens
- Both
- None
Which of the following statement created a sense of collective identity amongst the French people?
- The ideas of La Patrie (the fatherland) and Le Citoyen (the citizen)
- New hymns were composed
- A new French flag (tricolour) and the creation of National Assembly
- All of the above
What were the various measures introduced by the French revolutionaries to build a Nation State?
- Uniform laws for all citizens and French became the common language of the nation
- Internal customs duties and dues were abolished
- A uniform system of weights and measures was adopted
- All of the above
Who were the members of Jacobin clubs?
- Students
- Educated middle classes
- Both
- None
The Civil Code (Napoleonic Code )was introduced in ………………….
- 1801
- 1802
- 1803
- 1804
Which of the following was the provision under the civil code of 1804?
- Took away with all privileges based on birth
- established equality before the law
- secured the right to property
- All of the above
In which of the areas the French armies were welcomed as harbingers of liberty?
- Holland and Switzerland
- Brussels, Mainz,
- Milan and Warsaw
- All of the above
In which year Napoleon invades Italy?
- 1794
- 1795
- 1797
- 1796
Which of the following empire ruled over Austria-Hungary?
- Bourbon Empire
- Habsburg Empire
- Bohemian Empire
- None
Which of the following statement is correct regarding Linguistic distribution in Europe?
- Alpine regions – the Tyrol, Austria and the Sudetenland – as well as Bohemia, spoke German
- Lombardy and Venetia spoke Italian
- In Hungary people spoke Magyar and In Galicia, the aristocracy spoke Polish.
- All of the above
Industrialisation began in the second half of the eighteenth century in which of the following Countries?
- Germany
- England
- France
- Italy
For the new middle classes “liberalism” stood which of the following?
- Freedom for the individual
- Equality of all before the law
- The end of autocracy and clerical privileges
- All of the above
Which country marked the first political experiment in liberal democracy, the right to vote and to get elected was granted exclusively to property-owning men?
- Germany
- England
- France
- Italy
The unit of measurement for cloth is………….
- Elle
- Dlle
- Flle
- Mlle
Which of the following union was formed for the creation of a unified economic territory allowing the unhindered movement of goods, people and capital?
- Zollverein
- Jacobin
- Both
- None
What was the provision under Zollverein (customs union) which was built in 1834?
- The union abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to two.
- The creation of a network of railways further stimulated mobility, harnessing economic interests to national unification.
- It was formed at the initiative of Prussia.
- All of the above
Who among the following said the following words, ‘The aim of the zollverein is to bind the Germans economically into a nation?
- Friedrich List
- Ernst Renan
- Andreas Rebmann
- Karl Kaspar Fritz
When was Napoleon defeated?
- 1815
- 1814
- 1813
- 1812
What were the ideas suggested by the Conservatives to strengthen the autocratic monarchies of Europe?
- A modern army,
- An efficient bureaucracy,
- A dynamic economy, the abolition of feudalism and serfdom
- All of the above
In 1815, representatives of the European powers – Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria – who had collectively defeated Napoleon, met to draw up a settlement for Europe?
Where did they meet?
- Vienna
- Brussels
- Galicia
- Lombardy
The Congress at Vienna in, 1815 was hosted by whom of the following?
- Austrian Chancellor Duke Metternich
- Giuseppe Mazzini
- Eugene Delacroix
- None
The Treaty of Vienna was signed in which year?
- 1815
- 1814
- 1813
- 1812
Which dynasty was overthrown in 1789 in France?
- Bourbon dynasty
- Metternich dynasty
- Both
- None
German confederation had how many States which was setup by Napoleon?
- 38
- 39
- 40
- 41
Giuseppe Mazzini Born in Genoa in 1805 was a …………………..
- French revolutionary
- Italian revolutionary
- Italian Duke
- None
When was Giuseppe Mazzini sent to exile?
- 1831
- 1832
- 1833
- 1844
Which were the two underground societies set up by Giuseppe Mazzini?
- Young Italy in Marseilles
- Young Europe in Berne
- Both
- None
Who described Giuseppe Mazzini as ‘the most dangerous enemy of our social order’?
- Metternich
- Napoleon
- Karl Kaspar Fritz
- None
Who headed the constitutional monarchy in 1830 in France after it was overthrown by the liberal revolutionaries?
- Louis Philippe
- Powel Philippe
- David Rouse
- None
Who once remarked ‘When France sneezes,’ ‘the rest of Europe catches cold. ’
- Louis Philippe
- Metternich
- Karl Kaspar Fritz
- None
Which of the following countries broke away from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands due to July Revolution?
- Prussia
- Italy
- Belgium
- Poland
When the Greek war of independence did begin?
- 1821
- 1822
- 1823
- 1824
The English poet Lord Byron was associated with which of the following?
- French Revolution
- Greek war of independence
- Italian Revolution
- None
Which of the following recognised Greece as an independent nation?
- Treaty of Vienna
- Treaty of Constantinople
- Treaty of Greece
- Treaty of Independence
What do you mean by Romanticism?
- To romance
- A cultural movement which sought to develop a particular form of nationalist sentiment.
- Both
- None
Which of the following is correctly matched?
The German philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) proposed.
- Das volk – the common people
- Volksgeist – the true spirit of the nation
- Both
- None
Karol Kurpinski, celebrated the national struggle through his operas and music, turning folk dances like the polonaise and mazurka into nationalist symbols.
He was from which of the following countries?
- Poland
- Russia
- Prussia
- Austria
Which among the following played an important role in developing nationalist sentiments in Europe in 18th Century?
- Language
- Folklore
- Operas and music
- All of the above
Which among the following country priests and bishops began to use language as a weapon of national resistance against Russian dominance?
- Poland
- Italy
- Prussia
- Austria
Which among the following statement is correct regarding The Grimm Brothers?
- The brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were born in the German city of Hanau in 1785 and 1786.
- The brothers became active in liberal politics, especially the movement for freedom of the press.
- They considered their projects of collecting folktales and developing the German language as part of the wider effort to oppose French domination and create a German national identity.
- All of the above
What were the reasons for great economic hardship in Europe in 1830s?
- An enormous increase in population all over Europe and widespread unemployment
- Population from rural areas migrated to the cities to live in overcrowded slums.
- The rise of food prices or a year of bad harvest led to widespread pauperism in town and country.
- All of the above
What was the outcome of Peasants’ uprising in 1848 in France?
- A National Assembly proclaimed a Republic,
- Granted suffrage to all adult males above 21, and guaranteed the right to work.
- National workshops to provide employment were set up.
- All of the above
Which among the following were the causes of the Silesian weavers’ uprising?
- In 1845, weavers in Silesia had led a revolt against contractors
- The contractors supplied them raw material and gave them orders for finished textiles but drastically reduced their payments.
- Both
- None
Which among the following statement is correct regarding Events of February 1848 in France?
- The abdication of the monarch
- A republic based on universal male suffrage had been proclaimed
- Both
- None
What was the demand in other parts of Europe due to Events of February 1848 in France?
- The creation of a nation-state on parliamentary principles
- A constitution,
- Freedom of the press and freedom of association
- All of the above
Where the Frankfurt parliament did convene On 18 May 1848 in Germany?
- St Paul
- St John
- St Joseph
- St Xavier
Who rejected the crown offered by the deputies at Frankfurt parliament On 18 May 1848 in Germany?
- John Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia
- Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia
- David Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia
- Friedrich Wilhelm V. king of Astoria
Which among the following statement is correct regarding Women in Frankfurt Parliament?
- Women were admitted only as observers to stand in the visitors’ gallery.
- Suffrage rights were given during the election of the Assembly.
- Both
- Only A
Who among the following were known as the large landowners in Prussia?
- Junkers
- Bunkers
- Dunkers
- None
Who was the leader for the unification of Germany?
- Napoleon
- Otto von Bismarck
- Friedrich
- None
Prussia fought three wars over seven years with which of the following countries?
- Austria,
- Denmark
- France
- All of the above
In January 1871, who among the following was proclaimed German Emperor in a ceremony held at Versailles?
- Kaiser William I
- Kaiser William II
- Kaiser David I
- Kaiser Weimer I
The proclamation of the German empire ceremony was held in which of the following?
- Hall of Mirrors
- Kaiser William II Castle
- Frankfurt Assembly
- None
Who among the following countries parliament is known as Reichstag?
- France
- Italy
- Russia
- Germany
Which among the following is correctly matched?
- Habsburg Empire – Italy
- Bourbon Empire – France
- Kaiser Empire – Prussia
- All of the above
Who was the ruler of Sardinia-Piedmont (Italy) given the charge to unify the Italian states through war?
- Kaiser William II
- King Victor Emmanuel II
- Kaiser Weimer I
- None
Who led the movement to unify the regions of Italy?
- Chief Minister Cavour
- Chief Minister Dimiour
- Chief Minister Gari
- None
Who was proclaimed king of united Italy in 1861?
- Victor Emmanuel II
- Kaiser Weimer I
- Kaiser William I
- None
Giuseppe Garibaldi was the most celebrated freedom fighters of which counties?
- Germany
- Italy
- France
- None
Who were among the following ethnic the British Isles?
- English
- Welsh
- Scot or Irish
- All of the above
In which year the English parliament seized power from the monarchy?
- 1686
- 1687
- 1688
- 1689
Which among the following Act resulted in the formation of the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’?
- The Act of Union (1707)
- The Act of Union (1706)
- The Act of Union (1705)
- The Act of Union (1704)
When Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom?
- 1801
- 1802
- 1803
- 1804
Which of the following country flag was known as Union Jack?
- Britain
- Germany
- Italy
- France
Which of the following statements is correct?
- Allegory – When an abstract idea (for instance, greed, envy, freedom, liberty) is expressed through a person or a thing.
- Ethnic – Relates to a common racial, tribal, or cultural origin.
- Both
- None
Which of the following statements is correct regarding the Balkans?
- The Balkans comprised of Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro.
- They were known as the Slavs.
- A large part of the Balkans was under the control of the Ottoman Empire.
- All of the above